woman looking sad with a large 7 by her

7 Ways to Reverse Bad Karma

Fixing your karma is easier than it sounds

By Tarot.com Staff

All human beings are subject to karmic law, but we don't have to be imprisoned by it. Many people think of themselves as victims of bad karma, powerless to change it. Not true.

No matter what kind of karma you've brought to this lifetime, you can change it. The literal meaning of karma -- "action" -- implies the potential for change.

So how do we change our karma? Lots of ways! Here are just a few...

Read your daily horoscope

Daily horoscopes offer terrific clues for creating good karma every day. They highlight potential obstacles you'll face during the day and give you wise advice on the best way to cope with them.

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Do a good deed

This is the easiest way to reverse your karma. If you put positive energy out there, you'll receive that same positive energy back. So help that elderly woman cross the street, drop some change in the charity box, buy a homeless person a cheeseburger ... give and you will receive.

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Listen to the universe

Are you someone who habitually gets stuck in traffic or long lines? Instead of tapping your foot and honking your horn, think about what the cosmos may be trying to tell you. (Hint: patience.) The lessons you need to learn are out there -- you just need to know how to hear the messages.

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Do a Tarot or I-Ching reading

These readings are a great way to take the karmic pulse of a day. Like an "early warning system," daily I-Ching readings are an excellent tool for helping you see which actions and attitudes will pave you a smoother path. There are even special Tarot readings that will help you connect with your karma.

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Change your routine

If you go to the same places every day, see the same people, and do the same things, and you notice you're having "bad luck," mix it up. The universe may be trying to tell you that there's either something you should stop, or that there's something else out there that you should start.

Learn about your past lives

Finding out what choices you made in your past life or lives can give you insight into the patterns you see in this one. Once you figure out what lessons you still need to learn, you can change your behavior accordingly.

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Practice Feng Shui

The ancient art of placement and karma have a symbiotic relationship. Good karma leads to better energy, and Feng Shui releases negativity in your spaces, opening up space for positive energy to flow through your home, and also within yourself, helping your karma to improve. Learn how to put the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui to work in your life.

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Learn how to forgive

Practicing forgiveness is a double whammy on the karma front! You don't just create good karma from yourself, you also help to release the other person from negative karma.

When you understand what your karmic energies are -- what experiences or people you are attracting into your life in order to receive the lessons they offer -- you are ready to change your karma.

Your thoughts and emotions, no matter how aware or unaware of them you are, affect others and are mirrored in your world. All thoughts are energy and every thought sends a vibration that affects everything in the environment, from your own physical body to every aspect of the external world ... all the people, animals, plants, and the cosmos itself.

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